Monday, September 26, 2005


Tagging is a new concept to me although seems exciting.lets try.....

i have got a tag from shaurya.

5 years ago:
me in pauls. IX class.well i was class's most unexpected ranker.i was extrovert daring boy. got punishments almost everyday with quite a good no. of teachers not liking me.(5 yrs before that i used to be fav. student of teachers) . I was very shy when it came to girls.but then a few events changed me. i went to jaipur and then goa for national science congress where i came in contact with a no. of girls who were attracted to me owing to my cute face( believe me i was cute then.)

1 year ago:
I entered my 2nd year in iitd. as usual i was counting days of my degree to be over as i never liked the place.i contd to sigh upon 2 wonderful years i had in kota. got broke up with my girlfriend. but astonishingly did well in my acads when i was least prepared.

5 songs I know all the words to:
all the words? ---aati kya khandala!!!
most words: words, escape,in the end, summer of 69,dil ko(RHTDM)

5 Snacks I enjoy:
potato chips.
sandwitch (made by mon)rava dosa (made by mon)
actually anything of mom's hand...just listed 2 of them.

Things I'd do with $100 million dollars:
hmmm......... i wud start my own industry. coz i love to work so i get both satisfaction and more money.i wud take a world tour (preferably alone).buy a huge mansion at sea-side and an exquisite restaurent of my own with the best chefs.a few bikes and cars.
yes, i m charity.

5 places I would run away to:
udaipur: 1)fatehsagar 2)pichhola
4)marine drive
5)my room

5 things I would never wear:
girl wears
pink clothes
red pants
body tite clothes
other persons clothes

5 favourite TV shows:
guiness book of records

5 greatest joys:
nite out :working whole nite
nite out: roaming n playing cards with frens
perfect kiss
perfect hug

5 fav toys:

tag passed to shaurya, mahak, vishal
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