Sunday, October 05, 2008

Some uncooked food for thought

04 Oct, Bus from Ahmedabad to Udaipur

I saw a girl sitting on my side. She was almost 6 months old.

cutest as ever. But what caught my eye were her eyes, so

innocent and fresh...

And mesmerized by the beauty of early childhood, i kept staring

and then i saw she was looking towards me...smiling...and

wondering who i am and then she looked at another passenger way

different than my looks but she gave the same smile.

I wondered that what must be going i her little mind . New to

the world her eyes were exploring each ad everything...trying to

understand the diversity in this world. Enjoying the beauty of

God without judging it good or bad.

Ad then her eyes went towards a bulb and she started plyaing

with it. trying to differentiate between

light and darkness...without fearing from darkness. Equally

enjoying the two.

And then I realised its the grown up mind which does the

classifications and discriminations. We were allgrown like a

blank slate and then time and our orthodox surrounding bind us

to assumptions which become truth for us.
Assumptions like dark is bad; light is hope; fair is beautiful;

scars are ugly....

Sometimes I do wonder what world would have been like if we

never grew up. Would there be no fear no discrimination no

injustice?? would we take everything and everyone in our

surrounding just as they are without classifying them in to

good/bad beautiful/ugly fair/dark and having different

behaviors for the two?

In the end, please don't rate the above as good/bad just take it as raw food for thought.


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